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Do I Have Genital Warts?

Dr. S. Arani, MD

As I have recieved numrous request by patients, I've decided to explain genital warts presentation on human skin on this page supported with real patient's pictures. Obviously genital warts is a sexually transmitted disease that needs to be diagnosed by an experience medical doctor. We have seen numerous patients with genital warts and we have a huge valuable pool of high quality pictures, some of which has been posted on this web site for your education. This page does not replace your MD examination. It was solely designed to inform you about variety and possibility of genital warts. Get educated and learn from this page, but not to self diagnose yourself. See your physician for an examination.

Main Warts Types

Condyloma Acuminata

It is a type of genital warts usually caused by HPV 6 or 11. It is the most responsible wart on genital.

Verruca Vulgaris

It is a type of wart usually caused by HPV 1, 2, 4, 7. If your partner carries verruca vulgaris or HPV 1, 2, 4, 7 then you might be at risk to get that on your genital or other part of the body.

Verruca Plana

This should not be mistaken by Verruca Plantaris (plantar wart). It is a type of wart usually caused by HPV 3, 10, 28, 41. The other common name for it is "flat wart". They are 1-3 mm smooth somewhat raised. They are common arround mouth, face, hand and arms. If your partner carries verruca Plana or HPV 3, 10, 28, 41 then by skin to skin contact you could get infected with that. For example, If you recieve oral sex by infected person with verruca plana on his/her perioral area then you may get verruca plana warts on your genital.

Warts could grow in different areas of the body

Lower abdomen and pubic

Vaginal area



Anal and perianal

Penile and etc

They can be as small as a 1 mm or as big as 5-10 in

They come in different colors: dark, light, red, brown, white, etc.

They can be flat or raised

It could be one or it could be hundreds

They can grow long or grow laterally

If you are suspicious of having genital warts, consult with an experience physician, see your doctor, confirm your diagnosis. Life is filled with beauty and darkness. We fight to win, sometimes victorious and sometimes not, but the point is that we get up and fight again learn a life time experience and put it behind us. However, as human we go to fight to win and not to lose and that is why we stop fighting if there is no chance of wining at all. If you want to win then you need to have the right tools and preparation. You need all your strength and you must have excellent knowledge of your enemy's behavior. Genital warts are product of the virus which work from your own body cells. First, you need your immune system as strong as it can be. If you are worried or depressed then your immune system may weaken. Get educated and read about your condition. I have tried to cover all the aspect of genital warts and give you detailed information from my clinical experience. The more you read, the more prepared you are. Do not scratch or manipulate your warts. Do not smoke. Do not use any over the counter remedies such as non-prescription creams, gels, sprays which could stimulate the viral shedding and worsening of your condition. Do not shave the area with blade. Try hair clipper with protective shield instead. Do not use over the counter anti itching medicine such as hydrocortisone. Keep a close eye on the effected areas. If your previous removal techniques have failed over and over then you might need to give it a second thought and a different approach, but do not lose hope. Ask your doctor all the question that you may have. Ask about the pathophysiology of HPV wart, treatment outcome, success rates, cosmetics, before and after pictures, healing time, possible adverse effect of treatment, doctor's experience of treating genital warts and what do you need to do to protect yourself etc.